15 Reasons to Detest T-SPLOST
15 Reasons to Detest T-SPLOST and Punish its Promoters Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Augusta, GA By Al Gray The Transportation Investment Act of 2010 (also referred to even in the legislation as the ‘Transportation Investment Act’) is being called T-Splost all over Georgia. The legislation establishes a new 1% sales tax supposedly dedicated to regional

Commission Chairman Running for State Senate Seat Opposes TSPLOST
Commission Chairman Running for State Senate Seat Opposes TSPLOST The Athens Banner-Herald reports Danny Yearwood said Tuesday night during a Jackson County Chamber of Commerce forum that he opposes the tax. Barrow County Board of Commissioners Chairman Danny Yearwood said Tuesday he opposes the proposed transportation sales tax, according to a story by the Athens

Rockdale County: TSPLOST debated at Think Tank meeting
TSPLOST debated at Think Tank meeting Local citizens and political candidates gathered this past Saturday to discuss the upcoming Transportation Special Local Option Sales Tax vote during a meeting of the Rockdale County Think Tank. If the opposition voiced during the meeting represents the opinions of a majority of local voters, the one percent tax

Georgia’s ‘Wisconsin’ Moment? “The Georgia Bellwether”
The Georgia Bellwether On July 31st, Georgia voters will decide on a 1% sales tax increase – whether to fund a list of pre-approved transportation projects. This money will be in addition to the over $1B annual G-DOT budget. The politicians and special interests who will benefit from this new tax are using every means

Mostly False: “There is no Plan B” if the transportation referendum is not passed by voters.
T-SPLOST supporter says options are slim if referendum fails Share this story: “Next month’s monumental voter referendum to increase the sales tax rate to pay for dozens of transportation projects across metro Atlanta has brought up an interesting question. “Can we do this over and come up with another list of projects if the referendum

2010 Statewide Freight & Logistics Plan: The other tax seeker
2010 Statewide Freight & Logistics Plan: The other tax seeker Overlooked in the Transportation Investment Act’s rush to riches is the 2010 Statewide Freight & Logistics Plan (SFLP) concluding, “An investment of $15 billion over the next 20 years is needed across a wide range of freight-related projects to maximize the economic development potential

Local Issue Brewing: Erickson on TSPLOST
From The Telegraph June 15, 2012 By: Erick Erickson “Having been so focused on national issues these past few weeks, it is nice to step back and look locally. “There is a lot of local politicking heating up, from contested elections to the Transportation SPLOST. As I wrote a few weeks ago, I will oppose

Grievances Dominate TSPLOST Town Hall in Brookhaven
WABE News Sunday, June 17, 2012 By: Jonathan Shapiro “At the town hall, Mike Lowry of Roswell said the project list was skewed towards MARTA and public transit at the expense of much needed road-funding. “People come here and give up promotions in order to stay here and they don’t do that because of MARTA

Republican candidates coming out against transportation tax
From Athens Banner – Herald By: Blake Aued “A proposed sales tax for transportation is becoming the third rail of Republican politics. “All four candidates in two Athens-area Republican primaries say they’ll vote against the 1 percent sales tax July 31, and incumbents who voted to put the tax on the ballot are finding themselves

Video: Georgia Public Policy Foundation
Adjunct Scholar Baruch Feigenbaum, author of the “Getting Georgia Moving” study, discusses the T-SPLOST focusing on the metro Atlanta region. Download the complementary powerpoint presentation here: http://www.georgiapolicy.org/pub/transportation/TSPLOSTPPT.ppt Sections of note: Minute 14:40 – The most we should be funding transit is 25% to 33%, not 52% Minute 15:00 – Least dense area over 3M people