GDOT’s Scathing Financial Report
GDOT spends more than $2B tax payer dollars every year. 4th straight ‘scathing’ critical report. Watch the investigative report

TSPLOST opponents upset about wording on ballot
WSB TV on ballot language challenge. Channel 2 Action News political analyst Bill Crane said it is clear most state leaders, including Gov. Nathan Deal, are pushing for the sales tax. “If you can’t win the argument on its merits you shouldn’t need to resort to tactics that are questionable to win the argument,” Crane

Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers on Plan B
In a world where nearly every CRE power player in Atlanta is promoting the upcoming TSPLOST vote, State Sen. Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) is a lone voice of dissent. In fact, he was on Bisnow’s Atlanta Future of Transportation Panel when he told our audience: “There is a Plan B.”

Activists organize new campaign against GA 400 toll
The correlations between GA 400 tolls and TSPLOST are rich and truly foreshadow the ramifications putting a lot of money into the hands of GDOT and other unelected officials. (11Alive’s “research” about % traffic increased when the tolls come down is unsubstantiated.)

TSPLOST – Just the Facts in 10 Minutes
In 10 short minutes, you’ll learn all you need to know about the proposed 1% increase in your sales tax on everything you buy including food and prescription drugs. The tax increase is known as TSPLOST and will be on the ballot as Referendum 1 on July 31st.

TSPLOST Tax fight heats up
Mike Lowry from Transportation Leadership Coalition and Eldrin Bell, Clayton County Commissions square off in Clayton County. Coverage provided by WSBTV http://www.wsbtv.com/videos/news/tsplost-tax-fight-heats-up/vcSzp/

Local Activist Calls T-SPLOST “Shameful”
Al Gray Warns Rural County Leaders About ‘Shameful’ T-Splost Friday, June 22, 2012 Lincolnton, GA By Al Gray (Fast forward to the 1:20 min mark for Mr Gray’s remarks)* Read the text and see charts: Click Here

Is transportation tax ballot question unbiased?
Brian Kemp wouldn’t go on camera. Governor Deal denies his own actions.