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These days, the governor drives Georgia road planning

On June 6, 2012, Joe Earle, Editor of the “Reporter Newspapers” provided this preface to the main article. “Dunwoody resident Bob Dallas writes an occasional column for Reporter Newspapers and www.ReporterNewspapers.net called “Dallas On Transportation” or “DOT.” Dallas headed the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety under former Gov. Sonny Perdue. He will answer questions about


Citizen Contribution: T-SPLOST: The False Dilemma

T-SPLOST:  THE FALSE DILEMMA     By: Billy Wise, Concerned Citizen, Duluth   That there is a problem with traffic congestion in Metro Atlanta cannot be argued with.  The big question is, are we on the correct solution path with T-SPLOST to address that congestion?  As a possible answer to that question, the following hypothesis


Pro-transportation tax group gets it mostly wrong

PolitiFact actually got one right, well sort of.  Their analysis is kind of like a baseball ump’s strike zone.  You never know what you’ll get.  But, hey, decide for yourself. On April 16, 2012, Citizens for Transportation Mobility published a supplemental advertisement in “Georgia Trend” magazine.  They claimed, “…metro Atlanta will create or support an

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